Hi-tech live needs its specials tricks. At In2, since 2 or 3 years ago, we have been working in SOA technologies approaches. However the daily storm let us few time for think, and stop the time around one idea. Furthermore, this is needed.
For this reason In2 rented a house last week at Pyrenees . There we went Juan Carlos Fernandez, Alejandro Ugartondo , Jose Blanco and me for speak and think about SOA concerns and best practices. We study too the last pages of BEA SOA architect certification.
(views from the house)
Really, the house was fantastic. Incredible views, calm, without mobile or even internet. Completely disconnected. The house, called “mas muig”, was within two wonderful villages: Sant Joan de les Abadesses and Ogassa. I knew before these two villages because there are very easy but full colorized bike routes. Take a tour if you can. This place has something special.
In this agenda less workshop was very good in a lot of terms. Comparing experiences, speaking about tech and business goals related with our present customers, how to apply SOA in some other cases. The bad aspects and the goodies of a SOA strategy. Really was very interesting. Perhaps very business oriented than technical. However this is SOA, true
Of course we speak about UMPC, WSRP and other interesting things. We look at gOS and other sweet things.

(Juan Carlos and me reading some papers outside the house)
Speaking about the Bea SOA certification, was interesting too. The good thing that has this certification is that is focused primarily on SOA, no on BEA products. Of course appears some of the best of bread products of BEA, such as Aqualogic brand: ALSR ( the registry from systinet ) or my lovely ALSB ( the service bus ). However the primarily intention of this certification is know what means SOA and some interesting strategies for its implementation.
Last Monday we had the last of the exams, and we passed with an average of 93 over 100… The goodies of don’t be connected J

( Me, Juan Carlos, Jose Blanco and Alejandro )
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